Market Data


for the investment industry

Designed from the ground up for the investment industry, Spoon Data Services’ MATRIX is a market data management platform that can be accessed as a service hosted by us, or be installed on your own infrastructure. We also provide all the operational support you need.

We work with all the best-known market data vendors and index publishers, covering Security Master Data, Pricing, Ratings & Sectors, Credit Risk Data, FX & Interest Rates, Indices & Constituents, as well as ESG data. In addition, we can integrate your own proprietary data sources or internal data.

Data Lineage

Vendor Management

Data Enrichment

Data Distribution



Spoon DS Matrix Logo

We believe that data management, specifically for expensive data such as financial market data, has become crucial to companies. Effective data management will reduce costs and effort spent on obtaining, preparing and distributing essential data.

We facilitate a solution to this challenge – our specialised market data management platform: MATRIX EDM (Enterprise Data Management).

  • Spoon[DS] is independent and “vendor agnostic”, unlike some participants in the market, which are owned by large market data vendors.
  • Spoon[DS] believes market data can be provided as a utility, such as running water or electricity, allowing data-hungry applications to simply ‘plug in’ and use the data they require, whenever, wherever and however they need it.


Gummi bears consumed
Supported Market Data feeds
Indices aggregated per day


Carl Wolter Photo

Carl Wolter

British, lived and worked in Germany since the early 90-ies.

A trained engineer with experience in designing hardware, writing software and designing, building and working with Financial Market Data systems for Commerzbank, J.P. Morgan, the European Commission (EuroStat) and the Allianz Group. Fluent in English, German and Dutch. Loves snow-capped mountains and skiing in winter and Munich beer gardens in the summer.

Amanda Eloff Photo

Amanda Eloff

South African, moved to Germany on a whim in the early 90-ies. Started her career as a Management Trainee at Deutsche Bank Frankfurt.

Moved into programme and project management and managed multiple projects with large universal banks, global custodians, asset managers, as well as global insurers. Fluent in English, German and Afrikaans, as well as a smattering of French and Italian. Loves tropical Indian Ocean islands and an occasional Islay single malt whisky.


We’re fast growing and always looking for new talent!

If you have a passion for data, new technologies and an interest in financial markets, then send us your CV.

We’d love to hear from you!

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